Recover Weblogic Server Admin password

Thanks to Marcin I managed to retrieve the Weblogic Admin password.

For archival and with some changes for eBS 12.2, the steps:

create a python script with vi (e.g.

from import *
from import *
encryptionService = SerializedSystemIni.getEncryptionService(".")
clearOrEncryptService = ClearOrEncryptedService(encryptionService)

# Take encrypt password from user
pwd = raw_input("Paste encrypted password ({AES}fk9EK...): ")

# Delete unnecessary escape characters
preppwd = pwd.replace("\\", "")

# Display password
print "Decrypted string is: " + clearOrEncryptService.decrypt(preppwd)


set the environment with


Get the encrypted password:

grep password $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/ | sed -e "s/^password=\(.*\)/\1/"

Run the python script with:

java weblogic.WLST

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

Please enter encrypted password (Eg. {AES}fk9EK...): {AES}jkIkkdh693dsyLt+DrKUfNcXryuHKLJD76*SXnPqnl5oo\=
Decrypted string is: welcome01

The same script can also be used for other passwords in $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/config/……